Application 4: Online Learning in K-12 Schools Podcast

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Application 2: Developing Your Personal GAME Plan

An educator should always look for ways to strengthen competency and effectiveness in their teaching. The reason I am trying to earn my Master’s degree in technology integration is because I want to become more proficient in this field. In addition to my coursework I need to devise a plan for self-directed learning after my degree has been earned. Cennamo, Ross, and Ertmer have developed a “GAME plan (that) enables you to customize your approach to learning tasks, to develop relevant skills that are important to you, and prepares you for lifelong learning” (2009). This plan requires you to set goals (G), take action (A), monitor your progress (M), and evaluate your learning (E).

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) website presents five standards, and indicators for each, in their National Educations Standards for Teachers (NETS-T). There are two of those indicators that I feel less than proficient in and in which I would like to strengthen my confidence and ability. The first indicator is found under standard number one. It states: “Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources” (ISTE 2008). In order to follow the GAME plan I would first need to set a goal. I want to learn how to better present specific and relevant real-world problems that interest my students and then use the Internet and other digital means to solve them. My plan of action is to discuss with my students the issues and problems they care about and focus on one or two that are the most prominent. Then, develop objectives that cover that content. Finally, I would research technology that would enhance my lessons. “Technology should be used as a tool to enhance your objectives,” not the other way around (Laureate 2009). To monitor my progress I will consistently reassess the strategies I am using for effectiveness and adjust accordingly. After completion of the lessons I will evaluate whether or not I attained the goal I first set for myself. At this point, it is essential for the teacher to determine “whether (he or she was) successful in meeting (their) goals” (Cennamo et al, p. 5 2009).

The second indicator in which I want to increase my confidence is found under standard number two. It states: “customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources” (ISTE 2008). Technology can be used in various modes to reach all of the different ways in which students learn (Laureate 2009). Following the GAME plan, my purpose for this indicator is to set the goal of providing my students with multiple opportunities to use their varied learning styles. The action I will take is to first make myself more knowledgeable on the subject of multiple intelligences. Next, I will develop lessons that reach as many multiple intelligences as possible. Subsequently, I will seek out digital tools that may help enhance my lessons and engage the learners in my classroom. The Smart Board is one example of technology that reaches many learning styles including audio-visual, kinesthetic, spatial, musical, and interpersonal (Laureate 2009). My classroom does not contain a Smart Board; However, I do have the means for creating a tool similar to one. When monitoring my progress I will ensure that I am including activities that get students moving around, include plenty of images and sounds, and group activities. The evaluation step is essential for establishing concrete evidence that a teacher is meeting their goal in a timely and efficient manner. To identify my level of progress I will create a rubric for myself that contains key criteria for reaching my goal.


Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas. Baltimore: Author.

National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at:

1 comment:

  1. Jody,

    By allowing your students to discuss and pick problems that they care about and then adding technology, the effectiveness of your lessons will definitely improve. Then if you can attain your second goal of matching student's learning styles through technology, your confidence using technology will greatly improve and become a tool that you could count on.

    I believe that most of the students enrolled in the program at Walden (Integrating Technology in the Classroom) have been using the GAME Plan for years; we just have not called it this. The evidence that you do not have a Smart Board but have found ways to use technology to accommodate different learning styles shows that your self-directed learning skills are strong; students will definitely benefit and you have the ability to learn any new technology you would want to use in your classroom.

    Keep up the great work!

